Americans have a long history of supporting and giving back to the nonprofit organizations that they value and love. Each and every year, we give generously, happy to share the financial gifts that life has brought to each of us.
When most people make these donations, often they will simply do it with an annual or monthly check. However, did you know that there is another way for you to give provide that organization with a significant, lasting donation?
It is done with Life Insurance.
By naming that nonprofit organization, such as your church or a favorite charity - as the Beneficiary of a life insurance policy you own, your donation can literally be "Supersized" to provide them with money that will last beyond your lifetime.
In fact, in many cases the benefit that your policy will pay out can even surpass the total amount of all your past and future donations combined. This will happen because of the "long-term compounding effect" of life insurance. That can create an extraordinary difference between what you will spend for the policy, and the benefit that the organization will ultimately receive.
Giving charitably by using Life Insurance is a wonderful and affordable way for you to support something that has meant so much to you. And it's very simple to do. Check it out.